Silage is a valuable type of feed obtained in the process of biological preservation of green plants, the basis of which is lactic acid fermentation. The technological process includes mowing, grinding, loading into vehicles, transportation, storage, ramming, insulation from the air.


The main requirement during ensiling is the use of high-quality,  full-fledged  plant raw materials and minimization of nutrient losses.

Research and best practices of farms in recent years show that to obtain valuable silage raw materials, it is necessary to use not pure sowing, but grass mixtures, which include cereals, legumes and cruciferous species. Such herbal mixtures are dominated by purely cereal grasses in terms of protein content.

In the table below you can get acquainted with the technological parameters of rye, triticale, wheat and alfalfa silage.

Procurement of silage in western Ukraine by farms that are  on the technological support of CC of AMP.